Vision og Mission

The 3 Efforts for Welfare

  • we demand a life free from fear of a poor working environment.
  • we must have products that are not harmful to us or the environment.
  • we must have the opportunity to bring our children into a world where their welfare is not threatened by our working conditions.

The great effort we make for the welfare and development of our society must be met with conditions that enable us to contribute in a safe and secure environment. We must have the necessary opportunities for our children and families to thrive.

This implies that

  • decision-makers in all rule-making must base their decisions on human welfare.
  • education must provide us with the opportunity to develop throughout life and to understand the structures of work and society and influence them.
  • social frameworks must be adapted to our working and living conditions so that we do not compromise the conditions of our children and families. If the frameworks are not in order, we will live under pressure and stress – benefiting no one and harming everyone.
  • we must have products and production methods that prioritize our health.
  • all rule-making must have this as a prerequisite.
  • all work organization must be based on human welfare and health.

The collective agreements must be respected, and it must be a prerequisite within these agreements that human welfare is prioritized.

No one should work under conditions that cause stress, break down the body, or harm the pregnant woman and the unborn child.

No one should work under conditions that prevent them from participating in societal and political processes.

Conditions must be accommodated

International laws and regulations must assume that workers' conditions are accommodated.

This applies to:

  • working time regulations
  • occupational health and safety regulations
  • education regulations
  • social regulations
  • environmental regulations
  • product regulations

And in all cases, the profession—no matter how small—must have a say in ensuring that the regulations align with workers' needs for security and welfare.

What does NFU think?

The Nordic Hairdressers' Union (NFU) wants these to be fundamental prerequisites in all forums where our members' conditions are affected.

As a united group, NFU will leverage our collective strength in relation to decision-making processes and strategies within:

  • international trade unions
  • Nordic political bodies and authorities
  • European international political bodies and authorities
  • the European social dialogue

With respect for national manifestos, NFU will coordinate its efforts, review progress, and establish strategies at board meetings, further developing these through discussions at Nordic courses and within the representatives' assembly.

NFU will review the rules and laws that impact our members' conditions and initiate activities accordingly, ensuring that decision-makers hear and consider our voice and viewpoints, which are based on well-documented and well-reasoned grounds.

To this end, we will use our own online platform to exchange documents, knowledge, and viewpoints.